Balancoire (2004)

Balancoire, Cognac, France (2004)
S300427 / Bambuco Archive

The Balancoire structure in Cognac, a collaborative project with Cie Carabosse and similar in structure to Flight, was different to the rest of the work Bambuco was producing in 2004 as it returned to Simon Barley’s interest in making a singular expressive gesture. Unlike Ephemera II which was a feat of large-scale construction, Balancoire was smaller but more theatrical in its transformation from a bare bamboo structure to an image of fire and bamboo.
                Bambuco were awarded the Cork Award for this work, the highest accolade in Cognac. The Bambuco/Carabosse collaboration was also officially recognised by the French government who gave them AFA status, which meant that future project touring costs were covered so that smaller festivals and towns wouldn’t have to carry the burden.

Balancoire, Cognac, France (2004)
S300463 / Bambuco Archive
